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Created 10-Nov-13
Modified 30-Jun-24
Visitors 133
116 photos
Attached are photos taken in Annapolis on the 8th and 9th of November 2013 when the U.S. Naval Academy honored those graduates killed while serving on active duty. Doug Deem was a member of the Class of 1976, 36th Company. Doug's sisters, mother, niece and a close family friend visited Annapolis to honor his memory and participate in the activities associated with 'Honor our Fallen Heroes.' Several of the classmates that graduated with Doug in 36th company were able to participate.

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Friday Night - Alumni Hall ReceptionFriday Night - Dinner at Harry Browne's with Doug's 36th Company ClassmatesDouglas C Deem - USNA Class of 1976Deem Family Members & Close Friend Honoring Doug's Memory in Annapolis